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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: drted@ix.netcom.com(Ted Viens )
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Nick Humphries, brainless jackoff
- Date: 8 Jun 1996 04:58:59 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 59
- Message-ID: <4pb1aj$d8d@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <833837268.16673.2@the-den.demon.co.uk> <4p1g99$514@dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com> <31B8A7C0.1641@pacbell.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hou-tx2-16.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Fri Jun 07 9:58:59 PM PDT 1996
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:85914 alt.paranet.ufo:52100 alt.conspiracy.area51:10989
- In <31B8A7C0.1641@pacbell.net> Olav Phillips <phylo@pacbell.net>
- writes:
- >
- >You know I was thinking, there is one thing far more destructive to
- the
- >real research of ufo's then any kind of government agent. That would
- be
- >the fractionized in-fighting so appearent within places such as
- this<ie.
- >news groups>.
- ---snippity do---
- >Who is really the jackoff? its like my dad says about the whole ufo
- >thing."Why does the government need to use disinformation agents on
- you
- >guys olav? you gusy do a good enough job on yourselves." This coming
- >from a Air Force vet. of 17 years with 1 tour in vietnam<cambodia>,
- ---snippity dah---
- >Thanx for listening, and bare with the spelling errors<public school
- >education<even university>..
- >
- >Olav
- Olav, I can't argue with the tennets of your comments. I only wish
- there was some simple solution. Unfortunately, there is not.
- Consider:
- There are peddlers of snake oil in the area of UFO's just as in any
- area of human interest.
- There are many people who have had many extraordinary experiences.
- Some clearly related to seeing solid objects and strange beings. Some
- clearly related to poorly understood human phenomena. Most, somewhere
- in between.
- There have been many shallow and transparent official government
- attempts to hide unexplainable events. The blessing of the FOIA has
- revealed many.
- Government sponsored, funded, and highly organised debunkery cannot be
- dismissed. If I was a government agent in a position to run it, I
- would certainly do it. And I would do it in a subtle, subversive,
- agressive, and wide ranging manner. I don't expect anything less of
- the real authorities.
- In our progressively anti-humanist, sophmoric society, many people are
- grabbing the mantle of debunkery as a measure of their identity and
- self-worth. They are not being humble or mature about it.
- The combined efforts of the official and sociopathic debunkers is often
- devastating to the timid reporter of unusual personal experiences.
- The obnoxious responses of people like Gene and Deb, though a self
- defensive response at first, actually becomes a valuable tool in creating
- a little breathing room for less aggressive people with personal
- experiences to go public with then.
- I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it seems to be. So, it works...
- --
- Bye... Ted..
- Deep in the Heart of the Armpits of Houston, Texas...